YouTube Channel Video Devo
“Just Be In Awe”
Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 NIV
Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.
A few weeks ago this passage came up in church and it really spoke to me. As I read these words, I thought to myself, “How long has it been since I just sat in silence before God and was in awe of Him?”
I’m not at all against us bringing our concerns and requests to God. He invites us to lay our burdens at the Cross. However, we so often fill our time with prayers doing all the talking and rarely just sitting in silence quieting ourselves before Him. How long has it been since you sat before God and just took in the silence? Why don’t we do this more often? Why?? Because it’s UNCOMFORTABLE!!! We live in a “GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GO” world and it’s very difficult to feel productive when we are just doing nothing but taking in quiet time before Him. Plus, we have become accustomed to bringing our laundry list of requests before God without considering time to just sit and be still to listen.
A couple of years ago I read the book “The Ruthless Elimination Of Hurry” by John Mark Comer and one of the things he mentioned that I’ll never forget was when you are sitting somewhere waiting for an appointment or something else, instead of pulling your phone out to occupy the time, just sit there doing nothing. It’s hard! Who wants to just sit in silence and do nothing?? No one!
I want to encourage all of us to find time and be very intentional in the coming days and weeks to find time where we just sit and do nothing before God. Be in awe of Him. Ask Him to speak to you and fill you with His presence and just be present before Him. We definitely need to practice this more.
Find some time soon and just be in awe. Sometimes, our words need to be very few and we need to stand in awe of God. He loves us bringing our worries, concerns and cares before Him, but He also loves when we are in total silence just taking in His presence.