Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Conformed Or Transformed

 YouTube Channel Video Devo

“Conformed Or Transformed?”

Romans 12:2 NIV

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


Recently I was watching a sermon by Louie Giglio on the power of a transformed mind and something he said really caught my attention.  He talked about how every moment of each day is claimed by either following God or following the world.  The thought really spoke to me and I thought about how often we live our lives conformed to the world instead of transformed for God. 


The past few months I have really struggled with thoughts in my mind.  The enemy has been working a lot on me getting me to think negative thoughts about myself.  Recently I finished Louie’s book “Don’t Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table” and it was a life transforming book for me.  It really challenged my thoughts and how I need to take them captive each day instead of letting them take root and cause a downward spiral of a negative mindset. 


His sermon and book were a big reminder that my life needs to be completely transformed by God every moment of every day.  The NLT version reads, “Don’t copy the behaviors and customs of this world”.  So often we find ourselves following and copying what the world does.  And, there is absolutely no way in the world we can be conformed to the world and transformed to God at the same time. 


This reminds of Paul’s words as he spoke about the fight of the flesh each day.  He speaks about following the flesh and following the Spirit.  It goes back and forth.  We need to be renewed in our minds by God’s Word.  Every time a negative thought comes into our mind, we must IMMEDIATELY take it captive.  No “ifs”, “ands” or “buts”!  We are told to take it captive right away and not let it simmer in our minds and stew on it.  From there, it can become a fast downward spiral. 


I highly encourage you to read Louie’s book as it really challenged me to think of things I had never thought of before.  It’s a daily battle we face striving to live our lives transformed by God instead of confirmed to the world.  I challenge each of us to strive for taking captive every thought and not letting the enemy have a seat at our table.  The enemy will try to in many different ways and a lot of us have given him the seat for a long time.  I know I have.  We must be careful to not let negative thoughts slip in and take root. 


Take some time today, tomorrow and each day after thinking about whether you live your life more conformed to the world or transformed to God. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Slap Of Reality

 YouTube Channel Video Devo

“Slap Of Reality”

Proverbs 12:15 NIV

The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.


One of my favorite movies from many years ago is Disney’s The Kid.  Bruce Willis stars as a very successful image consultant (Russ) who has become very uptight and not dealt with his past childhood of tension with his father and getting bullied from kids at school.  His younger self appears to Russ and then Russ feels like he’s going crazy and seeing things.  He makes an appointment with a therapist and then walks in and has a very quick conversation.  He makes it very clear that he just needs 5 minutes to clear this up and get a strong pill prescribed to take care of the situation.  When the therapist says, “You need to deal with these issues”, Russ snaps back with, “Issue!  Issue!  Just one issue!” 


As funny as this scene is, I cannot help but think this is so often how we come to God with what we think is wrong in our lives.  We often want God to take care of something we think is wrong, but God wants to point out other areas that also need attention.  Often times I think we come to God with, “Only 1 issue, God!  I just need help with this one thing.”  All the while, we act foolish and hard headed to not allow God to show us more that we need to work on.


We often need a slap of reality from God to show us that just because we think we know what’s wrong and what needs fixed in our lives, God will often show us something else and we need to heed His words and guidance.  We so often are foolish to think we know what we need to work on and everything else is fine.  We need to let God work in our hearts to show us more and exactly what He wants us to see.


As we have entered this New Year, why don’t we become more open to what God wants to show us?  We all have issues we need to deal with in life.  Not everything is going to be a quick fix, much like Russ wanted in the movie.  We need to come to God and let Him show us the “issues(plural)” that we have in our lives that need attention. 


It’s better for us to have a slap of reality to face these issues and work through them with God’s help and not plug away with only what we think is wrong.  We need to ask God to make that clear to us and show us what we need to work on.  We need to ask Him to search our hearts and reveal whatever it is that is not right that we need to work on. 


Let’s not be foolish, but instead listen for wise advice. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

As Long As I'm Breathing, I've Got A Reason

 YouTube Channel Video Devo

“As Long As I’m Breathing, I’ve Got A Reason”

Psalms 150:6 NIV

I will bless You with every breath of my life; I will lift up my hands in praise to Your name.



The past several months at our church, we have been playing the song “Praise” by Elevation Worship.  This has become a really fun song to play on our worship team.  The phrase that always sticks out in my mind is the line right before the chorus, “As long as I’m breathing, I’ve got a reason to praise the Lord”. 


As we’ve continued to play and sing this song for several Sundays, I’m reminded how easy it is for us to find every reason to complain about things in life.  And, before going any further, I’m going to admit that I am one of these people.  I don’t mean to be, but I have a tendency to be critical and complain about things.  I have been working very hard on trying to be more positive about things in life, but it has been a struggle for me. 


As I continue to think about these lyrics (Apparently God keeps bringing them to my mind!), I am constantly reminded that no matter what is going on in life, I have a reason to praise if I’m breathing.  This is so simple, yet so important!  Look, I know that we all have concerns in our lives and a lot we are dealing with.  I get that and I’m trying to focus more on the positive.  We are always going to have challenges and trials in life.  There’s always going to be something that causes inconveniences in our lives.  However, we need to strive to be focused on the very fact that God gives us breath each day.


If we wake up each morning and we are breathing, we have a reason to praise!  Period!!!!  As we look to the New Year, this is a perfect time to think about how we can change our attitude and perspective each day we wake up as the New Year begins.


If you take the time to listen to and read the lyrics of the song “Praise” by Elevation Worship, it will be a great reminder that we always have a reason to praise God.  We especially have a reason because we are breathing. 


Let’s start the New Year by focusing on praise!