Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I Am With You

 YouTube Channel Video Devo

“I Am With You”

Isaiah 41:10 NLT

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.  Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.


This passage, along with numerous other passages, came up when I did a search in the YouVersion Bible app for “I am with you”.  It’s so comforting to know that God reminded so many people that He would be with them. 


The past couple of weeks at my work have been very stressful and overwhelming.  There have been some days when I felt so overwhelmed that it felt like the challenges were so much bigger than they really were.  When we get handed challenges at work or in life, it’s often easy to think they are bigger and more powerful than they really are.  It can be very overwhelming and feel like they are way bigger than they really are.  We can feel defeated and like we aren’t gonna get through the situations.


This past week, I had to constantly remind myself that nothing is greater or bigger than God and He is always with me.  I had to talk to some people regarding how I felt so that I could work through the feelings I had.  I’m continuing to learn each day that God is always with me.  It’s easy to say this, but when certain situations and demands arise, we can feel totally defeated and like we aren’t going to get anywhere.


As I worked through some tough challenges and talked to a coworker, I felt a little bit of relief.  Sometimes it’s so easy to get things worked up in our minds and we tend to make those things bigger than they really are.  It’s so easy to do.  We gotta take a step back, get a different perspective, breathe, and regroup.  I had to remind myself a lot these past couple of weeks to breathe.  I was so overwhelmed and felt very stressed.  I kept telling some people that I needed to just breathe and think through what I needed to do.


Friends, I want to remind us all that God is with us.  He’s been with us and with others through the many years of time.  He will never leave us.  He is always with us and is guiding us.  This doesn’t mean He will take the situations away and make all things better.  Sometimes we wish He would, right??? 


I’m so glad to be reminded each day that He is always with me.  He will never leave me.  When I feel overwhelmed and the challenges look way bigger than life, I need to take a breather and regroup.  When I do, somehow God sees me through and I get a different perspective.


Let us remember, through all of our current challenges in life, God is saying “I Am With You”. 

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