Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Filled With Emotions

 YouTube Channel Video Devo

“Filled With Emotions”


The past years, several months and days have been filled with my oldest daughter preparing for graduation and now venturing off to college.  Since Spring, it’s been a whirlwind of preparing for graduation, her grad party and now getting everything ready to send her off to college. 


As I write this, tears are filling my eyes.  I’m just filled with emotions.  I’m thinking of the memories I’ve had with my daughter and watching her grow into the beautiful young woman she has become.  The past few years have been quite challenging in many ways as she navigated some difficult times, but learned and persevered through them.  I am so proud of the woman she is now and who God is going to lead her to be in the coming years.


As you can imagine, emotions have been all over the place for my wife and I as we navigate this new season of life.  I don’t really know how all to explain the emotions I’m seeing in our home and the emotions I’m personally feeling.  I’m excited for her, but also sad that I’m letting her go into the world by herself. 


I’ve been telling my wife that I’ve struggled with the feelings of “Did I teach her enough?  Did I instill enough Godly values in her?  Did I spend enough time showing her I love her?  Did I take enough time doing things with her?”  The questions just keep filling my mind as emotions run through me.  This is a new season of life and I’m not quite sure how to handle the emotions and……I want to be strong for my wife and, my oldest and my youngest.  But, it’s okay to show emotions.


Friday, we take her to college and we come home without her for a while.  It’s going to be hard and it will be a transition for us.  What I know most of all is that God’s in complete control and He will guide her and we just have to trust His timing and protection throughout her life.  As she experiences college, as she finds a Godly man when the timing is right and enters marriage and as she one day has a family of her own.


Lord, please protect my daughter as she ventures out on her own.  I pray she will take all that we’ve taught her and develop her own faith and become stronger.  Thank you for these 18 years of watching her grow and blossom.  I’m excited to see what You have in store for her life and where You will lead her.  Please help my wife and I adjust to this transition as well as my daughter as she ventures on her own.  We give her to You and trust Your leading in her life.  Amen.

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