Thursday, August 15, 2024

Be Kind To Yourself

 YouTube Channel Video Devo

“Be Kind To Yourself”

Ephesians 2:10 NLT

For we are God’s masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.


I have a confession to make right off the bat here.  For most of my life, I have had a really bad habit of coming down on myself when I make a mistake or forget to do something.  This is something I have been working on for a while, but I still treat myself pretty bad when I mess anything up.  The enemy feeds me lies every time I mess up or forget to do something.  The enemy tells me I’m worthless, that everyone else would get it right and that I’m just not smart enough.


I’ve dealt with a very low self-esteem for so long, but God is helping me work on this.  And, so is my wife and kids.  Daily they hear me say something bad about myself and I get in trouble when I do that.  If I say, “I’m dumb”, “I’m stupid”, “I can’t get things right”, I get in big trouble with them and they tell me to be nice to myself.


When I read this passage this week, it reminded me that no matter how sometimes I feel about myself, it’s usually very wrong because the enemy wants me to feel worthless, useless and not valued at all. 


Friends, think about the first phrase of this passage, “For we are God’s masterpiece”.  You and I are God’s MASTERPIECE!!!!  How does that make you feel?  When I read that, I am reminded how valued and loved I am by God.  The enemy is so good at feeding me constant lies about myself.  The heartbreak to this behavior of mine is that often I will hear my kids say the same things about themselves.  Of course, I tell them to stop saying that, but that’s exactly how I act and what I say when I mess up.


Be kind to yourself!  We are a masterpiece created by the Maker of all things.  There is nothing useless or worthless about that!  If you are reading this and you are finding yourself struggling just like I do daily with self-esteem, remember this passage.  You are created anew in Christ Jesus!  You are loved and valued by the Maker Himself.  He created you and values you more than you’ll ever know.


When you find moments where you come down on yourself and say bad things about yourself, take a deep breath and remember this passage and the fact that God values you.  And remember to be kind.  We’re always told to be kind to others, but we also need to be kind to ourselves.

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