“A Pleasing Aroma”
By Zach Wood
Psalm 19:14 NLT
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
We have all walked into restaurants, bakeries and houses
where something was cooking and completely overwhelmed our senses. Just imagine the last time you walked into
someone’s home and they just baked cookies.
Or, one of my personal favorites, walk by or into a restaurant where
steaks are cooking. (I’m salivating as I
write this!) How about walking into a
store were fragrances are sold or candles and the aroma just brings a smile to
your face.
We all like walking into places and smelling these
aromas. There is nothing quite like
it. Each of us has a specific aroma that
we enjoy smelling and we know where to go to get that experience. The smell can really “take you away” and
leave you stunned at times. We all like
great aromas. Who wouldn’t?
Aromas attract us.
They bring us closer and closer to whatever is giving off the great
scent or whatever is cooking that smells irresistible. Now, consider the words we say each day and
whether or not those words become an aroma for others to be attracted to? Most importantly, are the words an aroma that
would be pleasing to God? Just like
people can’t resist a great scented candle burning, a steakhouse nearby or
fresh cookies from the oven, the words we use each day should be used to help
people come to not resist knowing God.
The way we live, the words we use, the thoughts of our heart
should all be a pleasing aroma to God and to those around us. He is the One we live for and the One Whom
our hearts should long for. We should be
living to please Him and Him alone. The
way we live and the words we use should be an irresistible aroma for others to
help bring them into an understanding of God and our relationship with Him. In
doing that, help people come to understand better there is a very loving and
compassionate God Who loves them.
As we continue into this New Year, I want to challenge all of
us to consider whether our lives each day, with the words we use and our
actions, give off a pleasing aroma not only to others, but most importantly to
God. How am I living my life each day to
please Him? How am I living my life each
day to attract others to Him? I have to
admit that most days I feel like I’m giving off a stench instead of an
aroma. My life often becomes a stench
because I’m in my own world and doing my own thing, when I should be focused on
living solely for Him and being an example of Him to others.
Are you living as a pleasing aroma?
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